Every season...
I don't know why but today feels like my last normal day before a lot of things change. I have my first doctor appointment tomorrow. It's my first appointment at a real doctor in about 4-5 years. It's the initial appointment, so basically just a full physical. I just have a feeling that it's the first appointment of many. There is very good chance that I'm wrong and there isn't that much wrong with me. But I feel like there is something majorly wrong. Lately my body has been feeling cancery. I KNOW that sounds crazy. But it could be two types based on my symptoms. Ovarian or breast. Cancer does run in my family and I can't lie, I AM crazy, I realize. But anxiety and fear can do that to you. I PRAY that I am not in that deep, I PRAY that it's a vitamin deficiency but based on my prior experience in the luck department, I am not a person who generally has any. I also have another surger...