I spent all day today relaxing, watching tv, doing some art and gaming a little! It was a nice slow down reminder that not everything has to be done at warp speed!
I have it in my head that in order to be successful, productive and or a successful member society I have to do everything, be everything and know everything. So I push myself into uncomfortable situations, I never slow down and I feel like warp speed, sleep deprived Shelby is the only way to be all of those things.
It's days like today that remind me that those things aren't true.
In order for me to be able to fill others cups and be successful, productive and a member of society I have to learn how to keep filling my own cup!
Today I am reminded that I am a person who needs R&R just like any other person. Rest and recovery is how I continue being exactly who I am supposed to be!
I am off to do some more relaxing!
Happy Memorial Day, by the way! I am thankful and so grateful for all the men and women who served and are serving! God bless!
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