Life is taking me out at the knees right now!
To be completely honest, I spent the majority of the day feeling like absolute trash. Not only did I have my heel carved out with a scalpel but I had a whole toenail removed.
Yep, You read that right! I had a fucking toenail professionally removed and then chemically burned so it won't come back! From years of being rammed in cleats, shoved in bad work shoes and everyday living and adventuring, I have mistreated this guys for years and years.
So I finally said, enough is enough! So off to the Podiatrist I went! Surprisingly enough, he said my feet were not in as bad of shape as I thought them to be! (I absolutely hate feet, so I always assume the worst when it comes to them!)
He did however tell me that I NEEDED custom orthotics because my feet are incredibly flat (Thanks dad and grandpa!) I have absolutely no arch what-so ever!
Anyway, if you've ever wanted to know what it's like to have your toenail professionally ripped out of your foot?! IT'S TERRIBLE! ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! The pain is medium, the view is atrocious and the healing process is the worst! I have to soak in vinegar water three times a day and then apply this cream that burns the wound to begin with.
Anyway, so there's ALL of that, but also...I just DON'T feel well! It's something to do with all the other stuff that's going on with me! Which I have a doctor appt for on the 1st of June; YAY for me!
Speaking of June 2nd my first appointment with my Podiatrist is that day another county. It'll be a really busy day!
Not feeling good in general is exhausting but guess what?! My mother fucking period decided to grace me with her timely presence!
My thoughts?!: "Hallelujah, I'm not pregnant, Jesus christ, why now?!"
So that's basically why I am having a horrible day. My saga is over!
I hope you've all had a great weekend! My weekend was shitty but that's life!
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