Island of Adventure and Universal Studios!
Island of Adventure and Universal Studios: Excitement level: 10,000. No shame! Be still my super nerdy heart! If you don’t know this by now, you aren’t paying attention! I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan! Like, I am a lifer! It’s who I am, it’s what I know! So today is going to be such a fun day! Butter Beer: At least 2 before I leave. Probably more like 3 or 4 but whose counting?! Not me! I am THAT nerd who collects the collector wands from the park.....judge me, fight me, you’ll lose! I don’t have a favorite thing, it’s literally all my favorite! The whole aesthetic of it is my favorite. BUT if I had to choose something to be my favorite thing, it would 10/10 be the train! If you have the opportunity, DO IT! You will not regret it! Alright! I am off for the day! I will probably be adding more to this later as the day progresses! Don’t forge...