Shop Local. Eat Local. Support Small.
AHHHHH! It’s new art Monday! Which is like everyday as of late because I’ve been on a roll! I’m sure it’ll slow down because everything eventually does! BUT, this one has been something that I’ve been wanting to do for some time now! I am absolutely LIT about the warm weather coming our way and cannot wait to start hitting up the farmers markets! It is so important now more than ever to shop locally and eat locally! Supporting small business owners is literally everything!
I was always the girl that went to a grocery store over a veggie booth. Don’t ask me why when I am literally surrounded by farmland! I was a trash person and chose convenience over mindfulness.
What can I say? I am in a massive growth year and it’s something that I am continually working on!
Lesson of the day: Do the right thing and give your money to small business owners!
P.S. Short, sweet and to the point today! I've got some Monday-ing to do and the days never seem long enough!
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