
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 28th-31st update

     Hey guys, it's been awhile.       As most of you know I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis. I was taking a medication called Reglan to help with the symptoms of it. From that medication I developed a side effect called, tardive dyskinesia.   Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is  a movement disorder that causes a range of repetitive muscle movements in the face, neck, arms and legs. I was lucky enough to stop the medication before it moved passed my hands and feet. I've been taking Benadryl for that, which contains the counteractive drug that helps reverse the TD.       Sometimes the effects are permanent and sometimes they can be completely reversible  So far, most of mine has gone away but I am still having some issues.       Since I was taken off of the reglan, I went into a full blown Gastro attack. I stopped eating, almost completely eating anywhere from 70-...

Day 3...

     It's day three of being off of the medication that literally helps me be able to stand food inside of my body. I feel like I'm dying a little bit, the Benadryl that I'm having to take to reverse the effects has me sleeping ALL day. So I feel groggy 97% of the time.       I keep thinking this is just another hurdle for another thing that makes me feel like i'm not myself. I'm over it.      I'm waiting for my doctor to reach back out to me and give me the new plan of action. I hope it's not something too drastic because at this point I don't know how much more I can juggle before I start dropping plates.       Cheers to it almost being the weekend!  XOXO 

Another day another diagnosis...

     I am struggling, yet again. I was diagnosed with a side effect from my medication for my gastroparesis. It's something called, tardive dyskinesia.       Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is  a movement disorder that causes a range of repetitive muscle movements in the face, neck, arms and legs . TD symptoms are beyond a person's control. These symptoms can make routine physical functioning difficult, significantly affecting quality of life. (To site my source, it's google...But, I could have told you that the side effects are enough to drive a sane person completely mad.)      I'm now on 25mg of Benadryl to reverse the side effects, given that it hasn't caused any serious damage.       After that, we'll discuss the next course of action that we'll be taking with the  gastroparesis. Because I can't go on without taking medication. Or having some sort of preventative help with moving food t...

F*CK you very, very much!

     There's a certain beauty in falling completely apart. Which, let me tell you, I am right there, I am falling apart. I have no problem in admitting defeat and boy am I feeling it. Here's my white flag, I am calling it!       There's no chill in my life, there's no peace or calm. I feel like an ocean at storm, raging and angry. Heavy on the angry! I am working every single day on that part though, but I know it's going to take time.       I know there are people out there that are way sicker than I am, that have way more shit to shovel than me. You don't have to tell me, I know how stupid I sound when I complain about my life. I have a home, warm bed, clothes, food and everything in between.       But in the same sense, I feel I have a right to be angry, disappointed and upset that my body is FAILING me yet again!       Society told me, "YOU'RE TOO FAT, CHANGE YOURSELF TO FIT IN."  ...

Mundane Monday...

     I am trying to find the positives about the boring and mundane. Today is one of those days! I find that sometimes doing trivial things like grocery shopping is sometimes enough to break my cycle of monotony. Which is good I guess since I have to go get groceries today to avoid looking like, "old mother hubbard!"       I am desperate for some change in my life.  I need something new and fun! Because as of right now it's doctor appointment after doctor appointment and I am over it.       I don't look forward to the everyday as much as I used to because now my everyday is full of prescription pills to make my body function the way it's supposed to and struggling to get through the day.       I have gastroparesis, food allergies, no gallbladder (which you would have thought would help the situation but it really has made it worse!) And as a new something to throw into the mix, I have scoliosis whi...

Paying homage to a family member of sorts!

     Paid homage to our family dog, Oreo today in the #alphabetchallenge over on Instagram!      Todays letter was D and so I chose to illustrate a Dog! Oreo the Boston Terrier!      More of that challenge is over on my IG! (ShelbyLinIllustrates)      Miss you little, Whoreo! (Something I only called her!)       Happy Sunday, my friends! XOXO  

Planning a trip to VA!

     I am getting my ducks in a row and planning a trip to an event in VA! I already bought my event tickets and now I am just trying to get everything else in line! Hotel, flights, car etc! It's a fun little 5-6 day trip that is going to happen right after thanksgiving!       Let the adventure roll!       What's on your weekend agenda? Mine is trip planning and figuring out my life!  XOXO 

Family pictures...

 Here's a few fam pictures we got taken of the whole motley crew! 

Dr. appointment...

     I had a doctors appointment today for a checkup on everything, no change in the plan except I need add vitamin D3 and calcium to my list of supplements, since I'm not eating a lot vitamin rich foods, I need them to help supplement what I'm missing!       I am feeling like shit today, It's been the worst i've felt in a really long time! So I am off to care for myself and rot in my bed because honestly it feels like that's what is happening.  XOXO 


     I went to the chiropractor for the first time today! They did a whole exam before my first adjustment! Guess what?! I have scoliosis! Not surprising! Now after my first adjustment, I am so sore and ready to take it easy for the day!     I have to ask myself though, will the madness ever end? in the last year I have been diagnosed with so many things, I feel like I am one big giant mess.      I am sure I'm not the only person to ever feel like this but, I have an, "Is what it is" attitude and I am just trying to make the best out of it!  XOXO 

Welcome to the mess!

     I'm getting some work done today! Much needed organization! I need to get my portfolio in check! Starting the lessons is all about organization first! Which isn't my strong suit!  What about you?! XOXO   

Spring rolls!

My first ever attempt at spring rolls with a homemade spicy peanut sauce! There’s butter lettuce, chicken, rice noodles, carrots, bell pepper and cucumbers inside! The spring roll wrappers are interesting to work with to say the least Like used condoms, to be fucking honest! I double wrapped them and cooked them in peanut oil for some added flavor and texture! They taste great though!  

Family pictures!

     Today twenty, yes you read that correctly, twenty members of my family trucked out to a location to get family pictures taken, it was a whole thing, but pictures should be back in a week or so!     I miscalculated how time consuming fam pictures are when you have a brute of twenty. Eight of them children ranging from 16-6 months old!      Everyone liked my hair, which I was anxious about, so that makes me feel better! Not that it would have genuinely mattered!     But anxiety is a real bitch sometimes!    XOXO 

19 Inches...

     Today I cut off 19 inches of hair and I feel liberated! I also feel regret and weird. I feel like this is a new chapter for me. Cheers to a new, healthier me!  XOXO   

"Spooky" art

Here's my submission for PYP this month! I love a good repeat pattern! I do adore how this turned out! Let me know how you feel about it in the comments!  XOXO   

The art of lazy!

     I laid around today and was completely lazy! For the majority of the day, then I worked on a still life of my every day life! It's the first time I've really incororated my real life into my art and I am enjoying the process!       I'll be posting the finished piece within the next few days!       Stay tuned! Covid is doing better!  XOXO

Leaning into vegan!

     Homemade vegan, “spaghetti bolognese!" Homemade right down to the sauce and pasta, which is gluten free! I am leaning into the joys of cooking again, which is huge for me since for around 6 months I ate around 300-500 calories a day! XOXO


     This lady is in school again! Well, I’m taking a course for my art portfolio! Leaning into the joys of learning for the sake of learning again and jumping in head first! I'm so excited to lean into all of this, I don't know the first thing about marketing myself as an artist so this is going to be challenging and fun! XOXO

Covid and Art!

     I am recovering from covid and feeling like dog 💩, so I'll be posting still, just slower! I am starting class on October 11th, so stay tuned because I'll be walking through that chaos with you!  XOXO

A Sunday well spent!

I’m working and relaxing on this beautiful Sunday! A lot of people don’t know this about me but I do illustrations of peoples happiest moments! (Weddings, proposals, birthdays, etc! Whatever YOUR happiest moment is!) and I’m almost completely booked for the holiday season! If you’re looking for something custom, don’t hesitate! XOXO

Pumpkin Oreo Cheesecake! V/GF

Ingredients Crust 160 g (5.6 oz) vegan cookies. 1 tablespoon instant coffee granules, optional ¼ teaspoon sea salt 50 g (1.75 oz) vegan butter Filling 200 g (1 ½ cups) cashews, soaked  300 g (10.5 oz) vegan cream cheese 150 g (⅔ cup) pumpkin puree, 118 ml (½ cup) pure maple syrup 60 g (¼ cup) vegan Greek-style yogurt, or soy yogurt/coconut yogurt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 50 g (¼ cup) coconut oil, solid 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon nutmeg ¼ teaspoon ground cloves Topping vegan whipped cream, optional vegan caramel sauce, optional 60 g (2.1 oz) crushed oreo or oreo-style cookies, optional

New in the art shop!

I've got some spare time so I'm doing what I love, creating! Newest pattern is @vailable over at the shop!  


My kitty got neutered today and it's day 5 in quarantine! Which according to science, that's all I need to do now and then if I go somewhere for 5 more days,  I need to wear a mask! Then I'm solid I guess! I don't even know! Anyway, kitty is resting comfortably and is doing good for now! Thankful for his smooth surgery!  My life has been in shambles lately sooooo, easy is a necessity!    XOXO

Proud of me!

My first Monday with my feet back on Michigan soil and you know what I’m gonna do today!? Laundry and grocery shopping! But I wanted to take a second to reflect on my last 3 trips. November-September! During that time frame with each individual trip I’ve gotten stronger, faster and more motivated. Even though there was a hurricane this trip, I took around 200,000 steps! (Varying between 30,000 and 20,000 a day!) For someone who used to look like me and weigh as much as I did, this is a giant accomplishment. And I’m so proud of myself!! I woke up everyday NOT swollen, NOT overly sore and ready to take on the next day. I’m grateful. Changing my health has been the best thing I could have ever done for myself.

Human nature!

I want to shoutout my sister and brother in law for coming and getting us late from the airport last night! We might not have gotten home until 2:30 in the morning, but we appreciate you guys so much for making the trip and getting us home safely!! The trip didn’t go as planned (that’s life!) The hurricane ruined plans (that’s nature!) Am I sad about it?! Sure! (That’s also human nature) All in all I’m blessed, grateful and loved by so many incredible people that even the bad can’t outweigh the blessings!