Allergy season...
You know it's going to be a weird day when you leave the doctors office with THREE more prescriptions! Hi, my name is Shelby and I have allergies! So Zyrtec and Flonase have been prescribed for daily consumption. I cannot shake the sinus headaches, pressure sneezing and snot! It's a never ending cycle! I was also diagnosed with Ocular Migraines when I was like 8 or something crazy like that and they almost always refuse to give me anything for them, until my I started seeing my new doctor and she actually LISTENS to me! Which has been FANTASTIC! I just can't wait to feel GOOD again! I'm so sick of feeling like a bag of ass! I can do with the snotty mess of it all, I can't handle being nauseated and the feeling like i'm going to vom every second of the day! XOXO