Adult Monies...

    I got the shittiest sleep last night, but still, I got up and did all the things! After my sister got out of work, she and I made a, "quick" trip to Hobby Lobby, where of course Hobby Lobby told me what I needed to  buy! But we really went there for embroidery that ALL I bought...NO! 

    I will share what all I bought tomorrow, but let me just say this: WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GAVE ME ACCESS TO ADULT MONEY?!?! Because Lord Jesus, sometimes I question myself! haha

    It was a practical purchase for vacation! In my mind it was...but like, then I bought yeah, I go back to the whole adult money situation.

    After HL we ran to the grocery store and picked up stuff for me to grill out tomorrow, for the first time on the new grill! I'm excited to attempt it for the first time! 

    I mean if you know me in real life, you know I am not a grill person. I just recently started eating meat (for health reasons) sooooo, I'm a clueless weirdo! 

    But, since I'm here, I'll toot my own horn a bit, because what skills I lack on the grill, I am a pretty damn decent chef in the kitchen! So I am confident that I can whip something pretty great up! 



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