I've been a potato today...

    I was a full on potato today! Nothing but laying in bed and relaxing! I feel like my body needs as much rest and relaxation as it can get right now! I need to be able to get stronger and in order to do that, I need sleep, rest, to rebuild my immune system, rebuild my strength and everything in between. 

    I'm just trying to do my best over here. I'm trying to remain as positive as I can to be hopeful. But my motto lately is, "Hope breeds eternal misery." 

    Because the minute I decide to be hopeful, something bad happens. Thus solidifying my motto! 

    Anyway, I'm not here to bore you, which if you're still here after the last few weeks of boring blogs, God Bless because I have been a whole boring mess! 

    I promise I'll be better at not being completely boring soon! In the meantime, I hope you are having the best weeks of your life! 



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