The sweet buzz is calling...

    Today my sister scheduled a tattoo appointment for her and I to get tattoos on MONDAY! I am SO excited! They'll be matching-ish, I have a few days for revisions! I'm SO excited! I've wanted back in the chair since I left after getting my 1/2 sleeve 2ish months ago! 

    I have an addiction, what can I say?! 

    We're also preparing for vacation and wanted these particular tattoos before vacay and wanted to give them ample amount of time to heal before being in the sun!! 

    That's literally my life focus right now! Getting my health in check and preparing for my double vacay! It's a need at this point! I have to leave my monotonous life behind for a couple of weeks and just soak up sun, ride roller coasters and spend copious amounts of unnecessary money! 

    That's just what doctor Shelby ordered! Yep! If I asked my real doctor she'd also tell me to go, loosen up, unwind a bit and be free! So to be fair, it's an accurate, "Prescription!"

    Okay, I'm being weird now..but seriously! I need to get the fuck out of this town! 

    When we get home, if all goes as planned, we're going to go to Virginia for a little extended weekend trip for an event happening in October and then hopefully we get to go hiking in Minnesota like we have planned as well!

    I have big plans and the only thing standing in the way of me accomplishing those plans is me and my stupid anxiety ridden brain! So, getting that part of me under control is KEY to the success of my upcoming trips! 

    What are you traveling goals for the rest of the year?! 



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