Welcome to the new reality...
The last few weeks have been nothing short of absolutely insane.
A year and a half ago I had emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed.
The following months were pretty normal and I felt great. On and off I’d have a gallbladder attack and knew it was normal (after I found out that you can still have them without a gallbladder, who would’ve thought?!)
When the attacks starting coming for weeks at a time, I decided it was time to stop being stubborn and go see my doctor.
After lots of testing and bloodwork it’s been decided that I have a gluten allergy AND I’m lactose intolerant. Which is apparently super common after gallbladder removal!
I’ve been through a whirlwind of emotions, mostly angry and feeling a serious amount of FOMO over the food I can no longer consume, the easiness of going out and grabbing food that I'm craving and everything in between. Probably stupid, I know.
I’m still learning to accept my new reality, learn how to cook and eat in a whole new way, again! All while still keeping up with my own goals.
While all this may seem small to you, to me right now, it’s huge. eventually it will feel so natural and the feelings I’m having will be a thing of the past!
In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to just be grateful for all the blessings in my life and the people who are here supporting me!
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