Health care is a sham...
Can we just talk about the health care system and how much of a freakin’ racket it is?!
I got my prescriptions today... two of them...wanna know how much my prescription nasal spray was?!?! FIFTY TWO DOLLARS... Yep, 52 bucks.
Most people make 10 ish dollars an hour.... I have absolutely no interest in spending 5 hours at a job to pay for fucking nasal spray.
But guess what...I BOUGHT THE DAMN NASAL SPRAY. Why? Because I need it.
If you don’t know already, GoodRX gives you good coupons. Use it! I have insurance, but for some reason, my insurance didn’t cover the damn spray, so that left me paying for it out of pocket. Which is bananas! We spend money every month to pay for health insurance just for us to have to turn around and pay 52 bucks for nasal spray. Yep. It’s a damn racket.
I also got some Naproxen 500 for pain. Which, I’ve been in pain for almost a month now. I haven’t gone too into detail about the going’s on in my life, but soon, I will. And trust me, it’s been A LOT.
I am exhausted, frustrated and just plain old sick and tired of feeling like I don’t have any control over my body.
If you’ve ever felt that way, i’m truly sorry. Because it’s no fun.
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