Wild crafting hair!

    Sometimes I get a wild crafting hair up my butt and I drop whatever I’m doing and craft.  

    Today It was, sewing leather goods. Why? I’m not entirely sure!


    But I had a thought, whenever I go to Aldi’s, I have to dig and scurry for a freakin’ quarter! It seems to be the ONLY time I NEVER have one available. 


    So I decided I was going to make a cute little keychain that will hold my quarter that way I’m never without one! 

They're not perfect, but they're fun and convenient! 


    It took me a minute to get back into the swing of sewing, I’m self taught. I didn’t read any books, blogs, watch any videos or ask any friends. I just bought the machine and did the damn thing. 


    There were a lot of cuss words in the beginning (and some in the middle!) damnit, I swear all the time! 


    But nonetheless, I like the way they turned out! I ordered the rest of the keychain loops and I’ll have them tomorrow! 


    Tomorrow is an EXCITING day for me, I will have updates for you tomorrow around 5 or 6pm EST! 


    That’s all for tonight, though! Other than it’s been basically freezing rain for the past two days, the roads are shit and both our local schools have been closed for the past couple of days as well! 


    Anywho, I am off to bed because I have to be up early! 




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