Sunday. A day of rest, worship, reflection, preparation and whatever else that you need to do to center yourself for the week ahead.
For me, today I used the day to catch up on sleep, journal and think about all of the things that I AM so, so grateful for!
It’s really easy to let yourself become bitter and angry about things that you don’t have, things that didn’t work out and things that are just completely out of your control. I’m SO guilty of this. Embarrassingly so, I know that it’s not a me thing, its a human thing!
It’s exhausting always feeling the weight of other peoples anger and disappointment in me. But one thing that i’ve learned about myself is that mindfulness, mental health and just plain old health is a journey and it is NOT my responsibility to carry the weight of other peoples thoughts and hatred towards me.
It only matters what I think of myself, how I feel and how I handle myself.
It’s Sunday and there are 7 more days ahead of me! 7 fresh days for me to be original, find my passion, learn something new, be productive, practice mindfulness, focus on myself, make money and be happy.
If I fail at any of those things this week...that’s OKAY! Because 7 days a week is the standard and I’ve got an endless amount of them (presumably, as long as I live!)
I hope you have all had a relaxing and mentally healthy weekend!
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