Seven Little Hearts...
Water park mania! I absolutely love watching my 7 babies off having a blast! That’s probably the best part about coming here! Watching my 7 (almost 8) little hearts running around, smiling, laughing and enjoying their lives.
The world is absolutely crazy and it makes me so sad that they’re living in a world that seems so messed up and broken. I don’t ever want them to think that masks are normal or that robbing people at gunpoint is just apart of life. I want them to keep finding all the joy that comes from life! I want them to see the beauty in the everyday since not a single day is promised, I want them to know how lucky they are to have such a big, loving family who would be there to help them out of anything!
The world needs more love. I’m tired of the hate!
Anyway, I am off to watch my babies laugh and make memories with each other that’ll last a lifetime!
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