Road Trippin'...

    Tomorrow is the day! The mighty 17 (i’m working on coming up with a better name for us, but this is all I have right now) is headed to The Great Wolf Lodge! If you’ve been following along, you know that my parents do this every year for the 17 of us for Christmas!  

    We’re going to head out earlyish in the morning, stop for some lunch and then head to the lodge and basically drop our things and head to the water park! And that’s basically where we’ll be for the remainder of the trip! Except when all the kids are doing the quest adventures around the lodge! 


    As an update: I’d been feeling pretty alright for the last few days. Last night, I started to get really nauseated, but I didn’t sleep great. Fast forward to today and I still don’t feel great. Just nauseated and unsettled. I took my prescription Zofran and that’s helped some, but can’t wait until I can take my next dose. I haven’t been sleeping great and I’ve been overly stressed (family stuff+personal stuff) so I think that’s a huge contributing factor. 


    So as I work through this bout of sickness, I keep reminding myself that it doesn’t have to be permanent! I’m trying to hold onto that so I can have a good weekend! 


    I hope you’re all having great weekends! 




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