Breakfast for dinner...

    Listen, go to Sams Club and get yourself some of this seasoning! You'll thank me later! It goes good on pretty much everything! It's even great in coffee! 

    I haven’t felt good enough to cook a meal let alone eat the meal I cooked! But today? TODAY, I felt good enough to actually cook a meal AND eat it! 


    I ate and still feel great! I haven’t felt like this in weeks! So I am PRAYING that it lasts! 


    Now that I’m starting to feel better, I think i’m going to try and start easing my way back into all the things I love. At a slow pace though because I am not looking to run myself down again! 


    Anyway, I am going to take the rest of the day today to relax and make a list of things that I have to get done! I’ve been neglecting a lot since i’ve been sick and I am ready to get back to feeling like myself again, doing daily routines, feeling happy, feeling content, traveling, all the things I love! 


    Next week, the mighty 18 is headed to take on The Great Wolf Lodge! Every year for Christmas mom and dad get the entire family (5 kids, 5 families and themselves) a 3 day weekend at GWL! 


    Then my sister and I are planning a little getaway for my 29th birthday in March (BARF) but anyway, I wanna go away this year and do something fun, because I never do anything super fun for my birthday!

    I also only have about 7 months until the cruise! So that’s something fun to look forward to! I have several other plans for trips this year! Some small day trips, weekend trips and larger trips (like Mexico, which is already planned and paid for!)


    I want to get back to adventure and discovering, my body has been controlling me the last month and i’m ready to get back into the drivers seat! 


    Happy Sunday! May your week be full of happiness, joy, good food, great health, love and family! 




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