Happy first day of winter solstice! This only occurs twice a year and I think that it’s the coolest thing, ever!
If you’re unfamiliar with the occurrence, it marks the onset of winter on the shortest day! Which started today here in the northern hemisphere! It happens when the Earth’s North Pole is tilted the farthest from the sun!
Do you feel like there is a spiritual connection between the winter solstice and humans?
In many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions people believe that during this time of great darkness it encourages humanity to gather together, surrounded by loved ones to celebrate the journey back into light.
Can the solstice disrupt us?
Sure! if you’re like me, living in Michigan, you already aren’t getting enough vitamin D, but since the sun is starting to set earlier and earlier, our vitamin D levels are especially on the fritz!
The solstice can also effect something called circadian rhythm. Which is what regulates our sleep and waking cycles ability to produce melatonin, which is a sleeping hormone produced in the body.
If you’re also like me, you don’t want anything messing with your sleep cycle! Sleep is our friend!
I always joke with my nieces and nephews about how precious sleep is and how one day they’ll appreciate it so much more than they do now!
They always just say, “oKaY, aUnT ShElBy!” But I digress!
Anyway, I like to use any excuse to do some research and learn all the things! Today is a wonderful day to learn new things and show appreciation for all of the things that the Earth provides us!
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