Top questions I get asked as a 28 year old with no children:

Q: Why don’t you have kids?

A: well, there are lots of reasons. And since 99.9% of them aren’t your business, I’m going to go ahead and tell you the main reason anyway. I was when I was 18 that medically, having a successful pregnancy was very, very low.

Q: We’ll aren’t you at least going to try?

A: Uh, yeah… maybe eventually…why do you want to be in the room when that happens? Or?

Q: is this your way of saying you don’t want kids?

A: yeah, you know me so well…I hate kids. 🚫

Q:(more of a statement) Well consider yourself lucky you don’t have to get up for 3 am diaper changes and feedings, worry about them every second of everyday and you know, BIRTH!

A: yeah, I consider myself super lucky that I very well CAN’T have kids of my own. It’s definitely what I grew up wanting, you know, not to have little hearts wandering about.

Q: (more of a statement) There’s always adoption, I’m sure that could be good too.. the process is different and raising them would be harder… but I’m sure you’d get the hang of it.

A: yeah… I’ve NEVER taken care of a baby before so it’d be like throwing raw meat into a lions den.

Q: you’re at a prime baby making age… aren’t you going to go for it?

A: Oh is it a race? Was there a memo that was sent to everyone except me? I was under the impression that when it was time for me to have a baby, it’d be my decision… I didn’t realize that the public and my age had anything to do with it. Damn, another missed memo.

    I’ve heard ALL of these and more over the last few years. Here’s my advice: you NEVER know what a person has gone through. Women don’t have kids got A TON of reasons. What I can tell you is that most of the time the reasons are deep and personal, so be sensitive and don’t ask dick questions.

(Also enjoy this Snapchat filtered picture of me! πŸ‘πŸΌ)


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