I've got game...

    Game night with my sister and brother in law tonight! 


    I’ve talked about it before, but I freakin’ love game night! We get together, have great food, play tons and tons of board games, card, games, digital games, and games that make us laugh endlessly! 


    Getting together with your family can be an extremely challenging task, different schedules, kids in multiple sports etc and life in general! Especially because life is so dreary and sad as of late! 


    We have different groups of people:


  1. The mad for no reason group. 
  2. The vulgar for no reason group. 
  3. The people still complaining about the president group.
  4. The blaming the other side and vise verse group.
  5. The obvious Karen’s group.

      6. The everything in between group.


    It seems that people will get offended over just about anything nowadays and what we need is more family game nights, more group crafting, more teaching our children that being angry over nothing is so unbelievably pointless, more face time instead of electronics and more love... much, much more love. 


    Life slips away from us. The years creep by and before we know it, we’ve allowed ourselves to be a bystander in our own lives. 


  • Love the people in your life while you can. 
  • Appreciate yourself more, you’re the best you’ve got. 
  • Self care is important. 
  • Don’t stoop down to the level of people who are so far beneath you, know your worth.




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