
    I’m not feeling the greatest today. 


    I’m extremely fatigued, have a headache and an upset stomach. 


    I slept alright, but still feel like I could sleep for hours. 


    If it’s not any better within the next couple of days I’m off to see the dreaded doctor. I am not one to go in unless I think I’m actually dying so, if I don’t feel like complete death in a few days, I’m just going to stick it out.


    It’s who I am by nature. 


    I know it’s not a good quality, but when health-care is un-affordable and unattainable for the middle and lower class...what’s a girl to do?!


    I’ve advocated for myself a lot over the years and I never win. I always get stuck with a huge bill and no answers. You get sick of that after awhile and I definitely don’t like taking the pills they’re always trying to hawk. Like, HELLO! I might not have a medical degree BUT, I have a brain and you’re definitely in cahoots with all the drug companies of the world, selling product instead of health. 


    Okay, I didn’t intend on coming here to rant... Sooo, I’m done now! 


    I’m headed off to rot in bed in my newly arrived (as of today) Christmas jammies! 


    Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la and all that stuff...





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