Vacations and cheat days!

I impulsively decided that today was cheat day, so Blaze Pizza and Taichi bubble tea it was! 


Here’s a snapshot of my cheat! I did it up good! 



Now onto vacations: 


After mulling over every option, trying to find the best deals and looking for all inclusive resorts, i’ve finally picked a spot! Mum is the word for now, but I leave in exactly 1 month! I cannot wait to just step outside of my town for awhile and just be without any eyes in me.


When you live in a town full of people who know you, it’s hard to get away from judging eyes, gossip and everything else. Which is weird because I try my absolute best to keep to myself. Because truth be told, I hate people. 


Like a lot. But SHHHHH, don’t tell anyone! ;)



Anyway, I am having a very good day! And now, I just have to stay super healthy until then and while I’m gone! 8 days of sunny relaxation! 


Happy Wednesday, friends! AKA Hump day! 




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