Doesn't everyone have an illustrated copy of themselves in their house robes?!
I have been so engrossed in my current project that I haven’t had time to do much of anything else. I feel like I am going crazy a little bit! I have also been looking at screens for a zillion hours, so that probably doesn’t help much! And if I am being honest, I’m not getting much sleep.
Today, I will be honest, I don’t have anything serious to share with you all, I am simply honoring my commitment to write a blog post every single day! That is the raw and honest truth. I mean some of these posts are completely forced and I don’t want to set aside time to even write them, but I do nonetheless, because I take my commitments seriously.
I just got off of my iPad, I have been drawing for the last few hours and then hopped right onto the computer to get this written.
I’m tired, my body hurts, my eyes hurt, my brain hurts, everything hurts! Drawing isn’t a cozy hobby. It’s painful! You have to sit in nearly the same position for hours without moving a muscle because if you do it can ruin what you’re working on and or delay the process.
LUCKILY for me, I have an iPad that I have been using to create my illustrations so mess-ups are easily fixed, but that doesn’t mean that I can move freely! I often times don’t even realize that I haven’t moved until my bladder reminds me!
Anyway, I am off to rest my brain and eyes and maybe eat something! Because I am completely SPENT for the day!
I hope you’re all having great weeks!
Happy hump day, y'all!
P.S.: If you don't have an illustrated picture of you in your house robe, are you even living, bro?!
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