
    It’s my one year cholecystectomy-aversary! 

    One year ago today at approximately 1:30 AM I had my sister drive me to the E.R. 


    I remember it like it was yesterday! It was easily the worst pain i’d ever felt! 


My symptoms:


  • Pain when I took a deep breath.  
  • Worsening pain when I tried to lay down.
  • Shooting pain, everywhere.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Flu like symptoms. 


    And the worst of them all:


    It literally felt like I was drowning in my own fluids. It literally gives me chills just thinking about it! Because it was the one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced! 


    My gallbladder was infected and I had stones blocking my main bile duct. And it was as a result of my rapid weight loss! 


    After many hours of tests, IV drugs, painful examinations and hours of freezing to death on a hard ER bed, I was finally moved into a room to get comfortable until my surgery. 


    It was all pretty much a blur since I was a literal cocktail of narcotics! 


    I was released to go home about 2 or 3 hours after surgery and was on my own to heal! 


    It was a crazy, wild and completely unexpected night/day! The healing process was fairly easy! The only thing was the deep abdomen pain that I felt for the first few months I was scared to cough, sneeze and pretty much anything that had to do with my abdomen! 


One of 2 lines 
Glamour shot of my nails because I was bored and high!

    My weight loss has definitely been affected by the surgery. It has stalled and slowed way down. I have to work twice as hard to lose but I am more determined then ever to get the weight off! I know it isn’t about my size or the number on the scale but about feeling good about myself! 


    Which is becoming easier and easier! 


    Now, without my gallbladder I have had to completely change up my diet. The one I was on before wasn't suiting for my new gallbladderless body! Turns out your whole body changes when you lose an organ! Who knew!?


    What am I doing to celebrate 1 year post surgery? I am not entirely sure but I THINK it might involve something I shouldn’t eat: GREASE! 


    Or maybe I’ll just eat a salad, we shall see! 


    I hope you’re all having a very blessed Saturday! 




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