Journey Update!

    My journey hasn’t been all about weight loss.

❤️ It’s been about the confidence I have in myself.
🌍 It’s about the mindset I have about the world.
✔️ It’s about the values I carry with me through life.
🆓 It’s about feeling free and happy in my own skin.
    A journey is about all the little things that most people can’t even see. 👀 1000 little, insignificant moments that lead up to big, beautiful and extremely significant moments. 

    That's all I have for my daily life updates. Life is never all about one thing! It's always a series of things, big or small that lead to the most significant moments in life. We can never be defined as just one thing because in life, we evolve, change, grow and blossom into who we're supposed to be. And even then, we don't always know until the very end anyhow. Life is about growth, love, vulnerability, happiness, sadness, anger, mistakes and everything in between!



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