Learning is my way of life...
I gathered the last of the stuff for my bedroom and I am just waiting for my bed-set to get here and according to tracking, it’ll be here tomorrow!
I cannot express how excited I am to have my bedroom back! If you’ve never done renovations to your house, you don’t know that it literally destroys EVERY single room in your house! Moving things, rearranging things, buying new things! In the last 2 weeks I’ve completely remodeled my dresser, completely remodeled my bathroom, refreshed the pictures in virtually every room and now I am taking on my bedroom! I’d like to say I was in over my head but, I LOVE decorating and allowing my taste to change and grow right along side of me!
It might seem little to most people but for the longest time, I didn’t know what I wanted. Not in home decor. Not in life, not in any aspect of my life.
So for me, being able to make these decisions and know deep down inside me what I want, is a HUGE accomplishment. I won’t lose myself for anyone or anything anymore! I know my worth!
It took me so many years to figure out that I am worthy of all things. I have to remember that we aren’t born knowing everything, doing everything and being great at everything.
We learn those things, we adapt and we grow into the people we are meant to be. If we fall short of who we think we’re supposed to be, we get up and try again. We do better. And I am just like everyone else, I am allowed to make mistakes, learn and grow. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to be great. I just have to be true to myself and give myself grace.
Not sure how I got all the way from being able to make conscience decisions for myself to understanding growth, giving myself grace, and understanding that I don’t have to be perfect to be considered a successful member of society! I choose who and what I am!
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