Veggies on demand...



    So I went out today for groceries because when all you basically eat is veggies, you need them 70000000 times a week! 


    I went to TJ MAXX! Naturally. While I was there I found some great decor pieces for the bathroom remodel! AND some new shower curtain hooks because, I was changing everything else INCLUDING but not limited to the curtain rod. Yeah, I’m going in deep! I cannot wait to see it all when it comes together! 


    I also bought some picture frames for an artwork collage! I am so excited! 


    There is however, always a chance that it won’t turn out the way that I imagined, in that turn of events, I’ll do the only sane thing I can think of, restart. *I wish I was kidding!*


    Let’s see, what else! My sisters birthday is on Thursday so we’re going to the Mongolian BBQ! 


    I’m looking into getting hiking boots because I want to start going on epic hikes! I want to see the things I can’t see from a window or a car, I want to see everything; experience nature in a new way! Connect with the energy of the Earth. 


    Anyway, not really a whole lot to report on today! Just getting everything organized for the bathroom remodel and planning all of my adventures! Because what is life without adventure?! 



    I hope your Monday was excellent! 





Bathroom color palette! 


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