

    I am super excited that my bathroom is finally finished! I love the way it turned out! I think there miiiiight be some tweaking and some over the top-not needed things that I am going to do just for the hell of it! 


    Who knows with me!

    I'll update you all with those pictures tomorrow! 


    Anyway, today was absolutely insane! It’s been storming for days and days! Well today I had a close call. An alert came over my phone telling me that I needed to take shelter immediately because a tornado was spotted in my area. 

    I’m like, well fuck. I am looking like a scraggly little ragamuffin because I was up cleaning and organizing. So I call my mom to see what she’s doing and if she’d gotten the alert too. She tells me that she and my dad are out shopping and they didn’t get an alert. So my anxiety brain immediately starts panicking! She said they’re going to check out and head for home but in the meantime I should go to her house and get in her basement. Cool, now I’m really panicking. To add panic to the mix, BOTH of my sisters who are on separate Florida vacations are both getting on planes today to come home... 


    My sister Ashley, her flight was rescheduled multiple times and they waited at the airport for hours and hours. My sister Rachelle’s flight was rescheduled once and they JUST landed at 11:30PM. My sister Ashley, JUST made it home at 11PM and her original flight was scheduled for 2:30PM. Everywhere is flooding and cars are underwater. Now I sit up and wait for Rachelle to get home so I can relax.

    Flash forward to me going to my parents. Since they weren’t home, my grandma called me and told me to come to their house so that way we could all be together. I waited for my sister Carly to get out of work and we headed in that direction. 

    I spent 5 hours at my grandparents house while we watched the wind whip and water overflow the river behind her house. 

    Thankfully we’re all okay and nothing was damaged. My anxiety today though has been through the freakin' roof and I still have a jumpy heart and mind over it all. 


    Thankful for safe family and that I am dry and safe! This is some crazy weather we are having as of late! This is the second tornado in my area in the last 3 weeks. INSANE! 


    Anyway, I am off to draw, read or write while I wait for my sister, Rachelle and her family to get home! 


    I hope you all have had an excellent Saturday! 




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