N.E.W. is necessary...



    I’m a true believer in switching things up and having fun! 


    I don’t believe in being boring.


  •     I believe in trying new things. (Trying new things is what I do when I feel BORED, which is why I know how to do SO many things!)

  • I believe in living life outside of the box. (Because I’m not normal, but who is?!)
  • I believe in giving absolutely no energy to what others think of me. (You shouldn’t either!)


    Since I started believing those things, I’ve never felt more free! 


    Sometimes we all find ourselves getting caught in the mundane..

    We get stuck in our routines or lack thereof! 

    We stop trying NEW things

    And we literally just get bored with ourselves.


    The fact is, when you get bored, you become stagnant! And that prevents all the growth that could be happening in your life! 


    You have to STRETCH yourself in order to step out of your own comfort zone! Learn how to make, “NEW” a normal occurrence in your life! 


    Trying new things really is the key to getting out of the rut you might be feeling! 


    Personally, I LOVE learning! So for me, trying new things is something I have always enjoyed doing! 


    You have to get really good with looking silly, failing and not being good at everything that you try! I’m a perfectionist, I’m competitive, I have a will inside me that doesn’t usually allow me to give up on things easily! If I’ve given up, I’ve tried every possible way to be successful at it before I give up! 


    And even then, I stop for a few months and try again later in life! Learning is my love language. Learning and music that is! 


    Don’t let yourself struggle in the mundane! Make a list of things you want to learn and check them off, one by one, day by day and learn as much as you can! 




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