I'm always doing renovations...to my house and myself!

    I’m redoing the bathroom... anyone surprised?! If you answered no, congrats, you KNOW me! If you answered yes, read my blog you maroon! 

    Anyway, I have been struggling to come up with a concept I love, until now! If you know me at all, again, you know that my brain works a little differently than others. 


    I have a infinite love for DARK color palettes! Like, be still my beating black heart! BUT all in the same, I absolutely ADORE COLOR! All color! I used to hate yellow because it represented sunshine and happiness and I was neither of those things, now I can’t get enough! Again, my mind is a very, very strange and wonderful place! 


    So I did some basic doodles to help me along in my process for re-decorating the bathroom, yet again! 


    Here’s what I came up with! 



    10 buck right now to anyone who guesses my theme... anyone? Anyone? 


    Anyway, I just placed an order for some goodies for the new bathroom and I’ll update once I’ve collected everything and get it all put together! I’m excited! 


    I’ve also nailed down a complete concept for my bedroom! I AM SO FREAKIN’ EXCTITED! I am SWOONING over my color scheme and completely smitten with the idea of changing it all up! I’ll keep you posted on that adventure too! 


    Anyway, I’ve got the next few days off to adventure with my sister! We try to coordinate days so we’re able to adventure and not have to do things alone because well, honestly, people are fucking nuts and doing it alone is boring! 



    Anyway, Happy Sunday, lovies! I hope your week is full of adventure! 




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