Don't allow yourself to become stagnant...
I am so close to being done with my bathroom makeover! The last of the stuff I ordered is coming tomorrow! (after one heavily misguided attempt to order something that was completely the wrong size because I neglected to measure it first, but we aren’t going to talk about that.)
I get so much joy in redecorating and freshening up stagnant rooms! I try and redo rooms every few years or whenever I get an itch! I always sell my other decor to help someone else re-imagine a room and then I like to hunt for the perfect new theme, piece by piece!
Anyone else love giving new life to old spaces?!
I am a sucker for a new color schemes, handmade and handpicked decor and just using the creative side of my brain that allows me to be as free as I want!
In other news, I think I need a change in my personal life! I myself and feeling a little stagnant and dull! I need to do something to fill myself back up with life again!
I am a creature of habit! I tend to follow my own patterns and routines and sometimes, on occasion I find myself feeling like a robot. I can’t stand feeling like a cookie cutter. Punching out the same shapes every single day.
I’ve been thinking about making trivial changes.
- Cutting my hair?
- Spray tan?
- Nails done?
- Tattoo?
- Piercing?
I don’t know. Making physical changes works sometimes, I find that it’s mostly internal changes that need to be made!
I guess I’ll keep you guys posted on what I decide!
I’ll also be sure to give you all updates on the bathroom. I am so mad at myself that I didn’t take before shots. I just started tearing the room apart. Lord help me!
Anyway, happy weekend, y'all!
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