Don't invest your energy in a vacant house... You don't live there anymore!

    I like to sprinkle my weight loss journey on this blog because It’s apart of my everyday life! Something that I am constantly working on and struggling with. When you’ve been overweight your entire life and have had literally zero confidence for the majority of your existence... when you finally find it, you blast it on high and stop being so subtle on your progress.  

    So here I am, voiding the subtle and radiating confidence. It’s a choice! When I started all of this, I made a choice. A decision to be more confident, focus more on growth and mindfulness, being kinder to myself and just being more honest about my feelings and open about how others make me feel. 


    Now don’t get me wrong, I know that this process is forever. I don’t ever expect my anxiety or depression to just fly away and I definitely don’t think that I’ll always feel as confident in myself as I do now. 


    You have to WORK for things. I never used to want to work for anything. Because I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t have the courage to be myself, shine or spread my wings. Hell, I didn’t even have the confidence to sing a song in the car unless I was alone. Now I sing EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE. Not because I think I can actually sing, but because I found my voice and I won’t tame it for anyone or anything! 

    Now don’t for one-second think that I put ANY stock into my weight or others weight! I know that my worth has absolutely NOTHING to do with how much I weigh or the size of my clothing! It has EVERYTHING to do with how I feel PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, and EMOTIONALLY! This journey has literally helped me clear my mental fog and give me my LIFE back. 


    I was the girl stuck in the corner sitting in all her feelings not knowing how to sort through them enough to be a successful member of society. I had been hurt, felt misunderstood, I put stock into my weight and how others viewed me and therefore my mental health struggled therefore, I struggled. I had a hard time trying to figure out WHO I was and WHO I wanted to be. 


    Because most of the time, I felt completely invisible. To every single person in my life. 


    I was the afterthought, the back burner, the black sheep and the one everyone pitied because I couldn’t figure out how to life. 


    As it turns out, not many of us have it figured out and we’re all just figuring it out as we go along. 


    As I ALWAYS say, if someone tells you they have it all figured out, RUN THE OTHER WAY, because I call BULLSHIT! 


    Until next time, friends! 


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