The space between the void are just the wishes that you didn't chase after...

    Man, life is stressful. I hate being an adult sometimes! Sure, picking my own clothes and food are great, the freedom is wonderful and you know just being my own person has been really rewarding! But the stress, the bills, the being treated differently for being a woman, the fear of the public, the fear of getting abducted... the security? I miss that! I miss the feeling of being completely protected! Or at least feeling protected! I miss carefree, stress free days! 


    I feel like it’s okay for me to day that. It’s okay for me to say that I love being an adult but the aspects around it, annoy me. The practice of the mundane is vastly overrated and yet underrated! Everyone wants to, “grow up and be an adult” I was that little girl who wished nightly that I was an adult already, I wanted my own life, rules and space. I wouldn’t say that I regret it, but I would say that I feel like I wasted my youth wishing I was where I am now. 


    Life is hard and forever changing! And it doesn’t do well to dwell on the would haves, the could haves or the maybes. We can only go forward from where we are right now. I mean I guess we could always go backwards but, I 10/10 don’t recommend that! 


    My advice today? 


    Don’t spend your life wishing that your life was different or that you were a different age. You’ll end up spending your best days doing nothing but wishing instead of actually living. And you can’t turn wishes into memories unless you put work, sweat, blood and tears into making them a reality! Often times the spaces between the void are just the wishes that you didn't chase after.








    Happy hump day, friends! Make sure you end it with a bang! 


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