The warm and fuzzies!
It’s hump day again! The middle of the week, the light at the end of the tunnel! I wish I could bottle up weekends and make them last longer!
Weekends have always been my favorite, since I was a kid! I knew they meant no school for two whole days and freedom to do what I wanted. Now as an adult they generally mean I get the freedom to relax and unwind from the stressful week I just had. HA! Just kidding, as an adult they mean I gave to try and catch up all the shit I have been neglecting the entire week! Dishes, groceries, laundry, cleaning, breathing, people, you know the basics!
I mean I still get to unwind, jam to tons of music and occasionally I’ll go out and explore; when I can! But It’s that feeling in your chest, you know the one, “the warm and fuzzies” if you will! What greater feeling?!
Anyways, over the last 3 days I’ve been devouring the Harry Potter series and I’m finishing the last two today! It’s been such a breath of fresh air to just binge them again! I don’t make time for too much t.v or movies; so this has been so nice!
I decided to drag my weekend out a little longer and just disconnect from everything for a while! Except you guys of course! I still want to be writing every single day and this has been the best way for me to do it! It’s helping me to get out all of the anger and emotion I held in for so long! That’s my outlet, everyone has one or three! This one is just my favorite!
Anyway, I am off to dream about everything I may or may not accomplish on the weekend and of course finish my movies then I'm going to make taco salad for national tortilla chip day! Mine will look a little different with Quest protein chips, but still delicious nonetheless!
Enjoy the rest of your weeks, friends!
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